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Boys & Girls Clubs of Maryland (BGCMD) consists of nine independent Boys & Girls Club organizations statewide. Our local Clubs across Maryland play a critical role in meeting the unique needs of families in their own communities.  


We know we are stronger when we work together to connect our communities and serve the children of Maryland. BGCMD is poised to strengthen our individual Clubs across Maryland, acting as a resource to enable all young people in our state, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.   


As a response to the increased needs of Maryland youth impacted by the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, BGCMD is expanding to every county in the state, to reach 45,000 children across all jurisdictions. 

Join us in our efforts to help our communities Statewide.

The thing I like the most about the Club is it keeps kids off the street, not being in violence. It's somewhere you can be safe at.                                           

- Kalil, 17, Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Baltimore Club Member


80+ Boys & Girls Clubs in 19 Counties and Baltimore City 

Structured to Meet Community Needs

  • Traditional Clubs 

  • Outreach Sites 

  • School-based Sites 

  • Virtual  

Serving Diverse Communities 

  •  41% Urban 

  • 44% Suburban 

  • 10% Rural 

Return on

Every dollar invested in Boys & Girls Clubs returns $9.60 in current and future earnings and cost savings to their community   

Serving the Youth
of Maryland


The need in our state is great. Almost 200,000 young people in Maryland leave school every day with nowhere to go, risking their safety, with no guidance or supervision. We’re working to:  

  • Expand Boys & Girls Clubs to all 23 Maryland Counties 

  • Gain support of corporate donors to invest in your communities 

  • Advocate for Maryland’s young people 


Boys & Girls Clubs of Maryland




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This site is supported, in part, by grant awards EBGC-2022-0001, ESR2-2022-0001, and ESR3-2022-0001 via Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention Youth and Victim Services. All points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of any State or Federal agency.

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